It's nice to watch elementary school kids playing at recess full of joy, happiness and a bright future. It's fun to guess who of those kids is going to become a doctor, an astronaut, a police officer, a nurse, an artist, a politician, a butcher, a pop star, an alcoholic, a junkie, a whore, a gambler, an unemployed, a dealer, a stalker, an infomercial star, a murderer and a rapist. Of all those kids playing at the school yard, there is always a lonely kid, picked on by the others for being different or for just being too dorky. Anyway many of those kids with the path of time change and become regular simple minded persons, but some of those kids continue a path of loneliness, self-reliance and desperation that leads to marvellous outcomes.
Gordon became one of these persons, alienating himself from the rest of society a little more every day; living by himself in a desolated area in the Arizona desert. He lives in a big house that he got from his mother after she died, she now rests buried outside the house in the desert sand with an inscription on her grave that says - "rape or die". Gordon's mom, Julia, was a technophobic hippie; she truly believed that the world was going to end in a nuclear holocaust from which no one was going to survive, except for roaches and lizards. With all this apocaliptic thoughts in her mind she decided to move with his only child to the Arizona desert, away from civilization, to survive a possible armageddon. The destruction of the human race never came, but she never knew, she was just too stoned. One day her son found her dead with a needle in her arm and a smile on her face.
Gordon became one of these persons, alienating himself from the rest of society a little more every day; living by himself in a desolated area in the Arizona desert. He lives in a big house that he got from his mother after she died, she now rests buried outside the house in the desert sand with an inscription on her grave that says - "rape or die". Gordon's mom, Julia, was a technophobic hippie; she truly believed that the world was going to end in a nuclear holocaust from which no one was going to survive, except for roaches and lizards. With all this apocaliptic thoughts in her mind she decided to move with his only child to the Arizona desert, away from civilization, to survive a possible armageddon. The destruction of the human race never came, but she never knew, she was just too stoned. One day her son found her dead with a needle in her arm and a smile on her face.
Gordon enjoyed very much being all by himself; living like a god in his house obeying no one but himself. - I'm my own god in my own kingdom, outside, I'm nothing; living in your world with your rules, your expectations and your values which I can't fulfill. Here it's all about me, not about you; stay in the world and live like others want you to live, pay a mortgage, raise idiotic kids and fuck your fat wife until you're too old to get a boner.
Alone in the desert, Gordon lives in a fantasy where he is the last man alive in a post apocalyptic world surrounded by vicious mutants which he hunts and kills. The world collapsed decades ago in a global nuclear war followed by a massive carnage between the last human survivors against robots and mutants. Some people are still alive, they transmit messages now and then on their short wave radios, looking for other survivors, doctors or help, but no one answers. Gordon hasn´t seen another human face in years, just the deformed faces of the mutants he kills everyday. This mutants are hairless brown apes that come from the south trying to conquer what's left of the civilized world. Looking for food, weapons and clean women. Gordon knows them well, they come from a more savage land from which they escape to avoid the hunger, the violence and the pollution. Hoping to find a place when they are not slaves but kings.
- Those damn mutants... Eat lead fuckers! -Gordon has no conventional 9 to 5 job, he is an entrepreneur and like every self made made he has his own business. Taking advantage of the strategic location of his house near the border of the United States and Mexico, Gordon hunts people, illegal mexican immigrants, to be precise.
- I hunt those brown apes in the desert, it´s so fun watching them from the distance walking in groups under the sun, crying and suffering with no food and water. I look for the leader or the fattest one, aim and shoot him right in the brain. Everyone freaks out and runs, they have nowhere to run I have plenty of ammo. Sometimes I leave two or three wounded and finish them with a baseball bat, it's the Mad Max's World Series... Playball!
Killing immigrants in the Arizona desert is the perfect crime, no one is gonna complain, the police don't give a fuck and those people are going to die anyway so it's kind of a favor for them. Business is good, Gordon takes the bodies home, prepares them and sell their meat over the internet to german cannibals labeled as "Arizona's Pig Delicacies", they pay a lot of money for real human meat. As a special offer Gordon email's them photos of the meat preparing process, this makes many people happy and hungry. Every morning Gordon prepares for another hunting day; he gets his ammo, prays to Satan for a hell of a day; cleans the blood from the pick up and takes a big bag full of human bones to bury in the desert. He snorts some meth and another day in the wasteland begins.
Every day is pretty much the same, looking for human tracks, drive around the desert, getting loaded and shooting mutants. The loneliness and the desert can turn anyone crazy; nowhere to go, no one to talk to and no cunts tu fuck! A total nightmare, but not for our hero, he has everything under control. After a hard day of work in no man's land she is waiting for him. Angela, the last babe in the world, the queen of the castle, the lady of the wasteland, the perfect girl... his girl. She will always be there; she doesn't wants you to change; has no daddy issues; she never complains; she doesn't hate your friends; she doesn't take your money; never says no; she is always in the mood; it's never about her it's always about you. She is Angela, blonde, blue eyes, huge ass and big tits, 100 pounds of the best artificial girl you can imagine. Yeahh she is a real doll. What did you expected? Every king needs a queen and every man has needs and Angela could please anybody, she was designed to do so. Every night after a busy shooting spree Angela was waiting for him, completely ready; laying over a pentagran, dressed with mom's old flower dress, meth between her tits and a lubricated cunt. When Gordon arrives, he turns the stereo on and fucks Angela like there was no tomorrow while listening to Def Leppard songs and the yelling of the brown apes in the dungeon below.
It's a pleasant summer night; fresh breeze, full moon, stars in the sky, bugs fucking on the sand. In these kind of night is when magic happens and dreams come true. Angela is lying on her bed after a night of hard sex. She is full of cum, completely abused, just another day at the job. A ball gag in her mouth, tore shirt, stained panties, messy hair and a destroyed ass; the perfect rape. Fresh air ventilates the crime scene and suddenly from an open window, without any notice, the Blue Fairy appears. Ohh cute little fairy what are you doing here? Floating in the air, covered in magic dust and completely loaded. Are you going to pimp this story Disney's style? Ohh yeah I totally got it, no WASP morale today. As you may know fairies never want to do good or bad, they just like to fuck with people and see what happens. The Blue Fairy gets close to Angela and flies around her; checking what a beautiful piece of silicone she is. The happy fairy sniffs some of her magic dust and with a magic spell she makes no one's dream come true. Angela is alive, she has become a real girl. So real and so fucked up! Angela feels like awakening from a bizarre dream. One that was so crazy that you think it was totally real but you can't remember anything.
- Ohhh my head. What happened? Where am I? What's that fishy smell? It's like I was raped or something. Ohhhh my ass hurts! Angela moves around the room in a very clumsy way, breaking everything and making a lot of noise.- Shit! What's that? There's somebody in the house. Intruders! Gordon takes his Tek - 9 and rushes to Angela's room. -Those marauders finally got me, this is gonna get dirty. Come and get me fuckers!!! Gordon enters the room shooting like hell. Bullets go around the room destroying everything, killing like crazy but there's no one in the room except for a frightened pretty girl. Gordon get's out of ammo and find's Angela under the bed crying .
- Ohhh shit fairies do exist! What are you doing down there cute little one? Come on, get out. No one is going to hurt you now. Take my hand, come with me if you wanna live. Angela slowly gets out helped by Gordon. - Who are you? What happened? This is so strange. I'm so confused.
- Ohhh fuck you still can't remember anything. Those monsters really got you. I found you three days ago in the desert with a mutant caravan. You were trapped by those fuckers who turned you into their sex slave. They carried you around the wasteland with a leash and they were having fun with your ass, when I found you. I shot those monsters and brought you to my house. They must be looking for her slave, but don´t worry you are now safe my love.
Angela was dizzy and could not recall anything Gordon said, but in desperate times people believe whatever they want to believe. - Ohh I can´t remember anything but I think you are right, look at me, I'm so messed up! But what happened? Why are mutants outside? Why the world turned into a big desert? What year is this? What happened with all the people?
- Everything is gone Angela the old world has vanished, all it´s left are ruins and some crazy guys inside their hidden bunkers trying to pretend that nothing happened. But it happened, everything that was predicted by the sci fi movies of the seventies finally happened. It was the eighties and everything was cheer and fun; the Cold War was coming to an end and synth pop was king. Nobody saw it coming until the big white glow of the bombs, it was too late. Who started? It doesn't matter, everyone died. There were some survivors here and there who had to fight in the Great War of the Races. In that war humans fought against machines, aliens, mutants and apes for the control of what was left of the world. Now human's are almost extinct and before I found you yesterday I thought I was the last man on Earth.
- Hold me Gordon. I wanna cry this is horrible.
- Several days before the war some people managed to escape from Earth to space stations in order to survive the devastation. Orbiting around Earth inside the stations life is not any better than here; from time to time people escape from their orbiting prisons to re-colonize Earth. We call them the fallen angels, the people from the sky. You´re one of them, white as an angel, free from radiation, your body has never been touched by this filthy world, until now.
Angela is crying, this is so sad. The world she never knew is gone; she cries and cries for the people she never knew and the family she never had. Angela is making such a drama and like any little girl she needs some hope.
- Don´t cry, its not that bad, people were too annoying anyway. Do you want some ice - cream?
She smiles and opens her eyes. - Let's forget our problems with big bowl of vanilla ice - cream. Yeahh!!! The time passed slowly for Angela and little by little she started to accept her fait. On her first days she was too scared to get out of the house. She was also unsure about her relationship with Gordon, they were the last people on Earth, but she was't ready to be the new Eve. Time helped Angela to reduce her expectations and fears and one day she was outside the house planting some flowers. When Gordon entered the garden Angela rushed to hug and kiss him, everything was finally all right. Angela was very comfortable with her new rol as a housewife. Every morning she prepared breakfast and Gordon's hunting kit. They ate breakfat together and then Gordon kissed good bye Angela and rushed to work. A pretty normal routine for the year 65 A.B. (After the Blast) The rest of the day Angela was like every normal 1950's housewife with the body of a pornstar. She cleaned the house, prepared dinner and watched old soap opera's in the VCR. After a long day of hunting in the wasteland dinner was always ready with a feast on the table and a stunning lady in bed ready to please her hero. Everything was going fine. The survivors were getting along and Angela secretly developed a crush on Gordon. Now Angela deeply wanted to repopulate the world with Gordon.
It was a normal day in the house and Angela was cleaning the living room when she heard an unexpected and mysterious noise. - Ding Dong! It was the ringbell but who was ringing if all the people were extinct? Angela was so scared and didn´t know what to do. Gordon was out and will return late at night, she was all by herself. - Open the door please. I have a package to deliver. It was the voice from a man behind the door. Angela was scared but she was curious at the same time. Also she was a bored housewive with too little to do and nobody to talk to. So she took a gun and rushed to the front door. - Just a minute please. Angela slowly opens the door and gets SHOCKED!!!
- Ohhh finally! This is the farthest point in my route. It's a real pain in the ass coming here. You guy's should live closer to civilization. Sign here please.
- Civilization? Ohhh yes of course. - Yes miss, this place looks like the end of the world. All right here's your stuff, have a nice day.
There were no creepy mutants behind the door, just a postman, a regular man who delivers mail and packages. Angela's world was beggining to collapse again. She needed answers and quickly. She took the pickup and drove through the desert until she found it. The noise, the cars, the people, the streets, the crime and finally the triumph of western civilization... Tucson Mall.
When Gordon arrived home late that night there was no delicious meal on the table, instead the house was full of shopping bags, this was getting bad. Angela was in the living room watching television with brand new clothes; dressed like a club party girl not a post - apocaliptic future mom. There was a look in her eyes, she had changed. - Ohhh fuck! She found a mall.
- I know the truth Gordon, there was no nuclear holocaust, there are not mutants in the desert, we're not the last persons alive. It was all a lie! A fucking lie you vicious creep! I know everything! How could I be so stupid? There's a world out there full of fantasies and wonders. Full with people with jobs and happy lifes. Do you know what that is? To have a life? To be a part of something? To have someone to love? I wanna be like them. I wanna be normal. I wanna be fashion. I wanna be adored. Look at me Im so fucking hot! I can be a star and shine in Hollywood.
- Hey Angie, just relax. Calm down.
- Get off of me you looser! Im out of here, consider what I have done with you a favor. Stay away from me, models don't date loosers.
And now Angela became real. She was a real woman and like every woman she wanted status, social life, a nice house, a good surname, jewels, trips to Paris and a rich husband. She wanted to be Barbie, but plastic cannot stand a nuclear blast. Angela was a woman now and like every other woman, she left. She just left. The door closes, it's over. The house felt so empty without Angela and for the first time Gordon was not alone, he was lonely.
Days turned into months and months into years and everything was the same. Except for Gordon, he was older, got two new dolls, and closed the windows every day to keep the blue fairy out of his house. It was a quiet and pleasant night in the desert, like the one in which Angela was born. Gordon was watching television when suddenly somebody knocked the door. A strange visitor was outside who could it be? Gordon stood up and slowly walked towards the door. He opened and a strange creature entered. It was a woman or something like that. She was fat and dressed up like an old crack whore. Her face was full of wrinkles and scars: like she had lived for a hundred years, a living mummy. Her body was fat, smelly and decayed. But beneath all that there was a look of youth in her eyes. It was Angela, she was back.
- ¿Angela?
- Good bye Gordon. Good bye baby.
Angela took a gun from the purse, cocked it, put it on her head and shot.
Angela's brain's flew through the air and her body fell to the ground. It was over. Gordon was stunned and just stood there trying to process what just have happened. The world had been tough with Angela. She wanted to be a godess but she was just a doll.
The End
Hola mis güilos había que celebrar de alguna manera el quinto aniversario de esta gran revista, pero festejar a un muerto no tiene sentido, por eso la mejor manera de festejar es resucitando a Gente Corriente. Así que felicidades Gente Corriente has vuelto a la vida, espero hayan disfrutado esta historia, nos vemos pronto ^_^.