*Attention, Some of the references are specifically for Mexico, so if you don´t understand them it's your fault for not living in a least developed country. Shame on you! ^_^
In 1998...
* Gay marriages were illegal worldwide except for Denmark.
* The Simpsons was still a relatively decent show.
* The Indiana Jones saga was still untouched by George Lucas.
* The Terminator saga was still perfect.
* Saddam Hussein was still alive.
* The PRI was still in power in Mexico.
* Blackberries didn't commercially exist.
* Only Al Gore knew about global warming.
* Segata Sanshiro was everyone's heroe.
* The president of the US didn't eat watermelons just cunts.
* Social networks didn't exist.
* Television was "unreal".
* Daria was on TV.
* anonymous was anonymous.
* Mexican movies were still shitty and overvalued.
* SEGA still manufactured video game consoles.
* A Cyberdyne Systems T-800 was not in power.
* It was possible to fly from New York to Paris in 3.5 hours.
* Paco Stanley still danced the Gallinazo and snorted cocaine.
* The Volkswagen Beetle was still in production.
* Only people without gaydars and desperate spinsters believed that Ricky Martin was straight.
* The Internet was a safer place without /b/tards.
* Gente Corriente was years from existing.
* Darth Vader was ruddy misterious, for the best.
* The world was vulnerable without an-heroes.
* Videogames were still for NERDS!!!
We passed from...
* From ICQ to Windows Live Messenger.
* From Rolling Stone to Pitchfork.
* From boybands to 30 Seconds to Mars.
* From big CRT monitors to LCD.
* From war in the Balcans to war in Ciudad Juarez.
* From Netscape to Firefox.
* From Game Boy Color to Nintendo DSi.
* From spinning tops (trompos) to the PSP.
* From reading the newspaper every morning to read the news online.
* From AOL internet to WiFi.
* From the recently founded Google to an Internet empire.
* From the first mp3 player MPMan F10 with a capacity of 64 megabytes to the 64 GB iPod Touch.
*From Altavista to Google.
* From vacations in Disneyland to space tourism.
* From Star Wars Special Edition to a new trilogy.
* From Britney Spears to Lady Gaga.
* From baggy to skinny jeans.
* From alternative to indie.
* From traffic jams to narcobloqueos.
* From the modem de 56k to broad band internet.
* From Windows 98 to Windows 7.
* From Dawsons Creek to Gossip Girl.
* From privacy to Facebook.
* From analog to digital television.
* From playing guitar tabs to Guitar Hero.
* From door to door salesmen to phone extortions.
* From Kramer to Dwight.
* From beeper to SMS.
* From Pamela Anderson's sextape scandal to a requirement for being a celebrity.
* From geocities to blogs.
* From record stores to P2P.
* From Sega Dreamcast to Playstation 3.
* From books to ebooks.
* From Encarta to Wikipedia.
* From Michael Jackson child rapist to the legend.
* From MTV to Youtube.
* From 3 1/2 floppy disks to USB flash drives.
* From the Farelly brothers to Judd Apatow.
* From postal orders to Paypal.
* From the Columbine massacre to massacres every three days (Well the Columbine massacre was in 1999 but if you live in Mexico you get my point).
* From Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Daybreakers, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, etc.
* From bookstores to amazon.com.
* From telephones to Skype.
* From 25 mobile phone suscribers per 100 inhabitants to more than 97 in the developed world.
* From 9 mobile phone suscribers per 100 inhabitants to more than 49 worldwide.
* From VHS porn to HD Bangbros on your computer.
* From the X-Files to MonsterQuest and UFO Hunters on the History Channel.
* From Jefe Diego's yells to the beggings for his life.
Wow, so many things have happened since the late 90's, the world has really changed. But many of those changes are not in this article so, if you know about something please add it. That's all for today, see you soon ^_^!