Tuesday, February 08, 2011

My First Story

Hi everyone! For all of you who are new at Gente Corriente and also all the good ol' fans here's a good deal in the meantime I get some new shit. I've been writing since I was a kid, but I consider this to be my first short story, the one that started everything, including this blog and what will come later, so enjoy.


by Enid Molko

Jijijijijijijijjji She is going to get a big surprise Mustafa you’ll see.

The door opens the clock is showing the hour six pm. Kim opens the wooden door of her house finding two dorks behind it.

-Hi guys what can I do for you??

-Hi Kim good day, We are selling cookies for our graduation dance do you want to cooperate??

To see two dorks selling cookies can break the heart of any girl.

- Ohhh thats so cute, I will help you out, how much do the cookies cost.

- Only ten pesos I made the cookies by myself.

- Here you have Joshua.

- Here you have Kim

Joshua crushes the cookie box on Kim´s face, Mustafa pushes Kim making here fall. She falls to the floor. Watching with her cute green eyes how two guys punch here face with their fists full with rage and anger.

-aahahahahhahahahahahahahahah here you have piggie!! Here are your cookies. Chuto the pan use it.

An empty metal sound makes everyone to be silent.

- She’s done, lets take her to my place, the beans are getting ready.

-Yeahhhhh you take the head and I take her feet, Ohhh cute darling now you are going to know whats happiness is about. Well let’s go, close the door Chuto.

- Ohh ohh my head what happened I had a terrible headache, Ahh I can´t remember what happened what am I doing here.

Kim wakes up she touches her face. She feels dry blood over it. She stands up looking at the mirror, she looked at a crushed face full of blood, she can hardly recognize her once angelical face. –ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhahahahah my face ahhhh no, where am I? She turned around and she looked at two guys laughing on the other side of the room.

- Come on let’s play piggie, give me a kiss.

- Fuck you let me alone go go go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mustafa hits her mouth making her throw three teeth, then he uses his knee to hit her stomach in a violent way. When she kneels, Chuto takes an electricity cable and ties her neck.

- come on lets have fun piggie.

Chuto runs pulling Kim with the electricity cable, making her vomit blood. Mustafa takes her from the feet. Both guys drag Kim. Chuto pulls her. And she falls from the stairs. When she is about to fall into the last step, the guys pull the cable causing her a great pain on her neck

- Is she still there bro??

- Hell yes she can still breath look at that chest how it expands and contracts. It’s making me feel very horny. Give me the telephone cord Chuto.

Mustafa started to bond Kim´s body with the telephone cord, but Kim kicks him in his sexual parts and she starts to run like a chicken without a head, but crying and shouting.

- Aahahhahahha hahhahahahhahahahaha Let me go you wicked bastards

Chuto and Mustafa start running behing her, around her. Chuto takes off his pants, he puts them in his face, takes a bat and starts hitting everything he finds around the house.

- aaaaaahahahahahhah ahahahahhahahahahhahahahha

With a hard punch Chuto hits Mustafa in his back making him fall, then he hits Kim on her face.

- Gotch´a bitch’a now make me happy.

They took Kim and continue the ritual, to purificate Chutos house, for the purification meant they needed to violate a woman turning her into a pig.

Mustafa tied her with the telephone cord. The cord is very tight, Kim starts to get blue.

Mustafa takes the iron cord and hits Kim with force.

- oooohhh ohoohohohoohohohooho hohohohooho hhoh come on bitch cry like a pig, cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim´s eyes started to drop tears she can´t believe this is hapenning she watched to normal persons turned into devils torturing her and about to make her horrible things.

Chuto takes the hot beans from the oven and drops all the hot beans and the hot hot water over her.

- ahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahhahs

She cries.

- Cry piggie cry like a pig cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry


- Or you wanna die?? hahahhahhahahahahahahhahah

Mustafa takes two car current cables and puts them in the nipples of Kim, then she connects them to the house electricity supply.

- aaahahhaahhahahhahahaahhahahhaahahahaahh

Its too much, her tears are burning too, she is trembling. Joshua is about to rape her, he prepares to put an end to the ritual of purifying his house. He put Kim in the perfect position and……..

- Freeze it’s the police!!!!!

The doors opens with a sudden blast and the cops appear. They find the two guys in their crime scence. All carried out in the blood and the excitement of their act.

- Who is Joshua, you have been robbing electricty you owe a lot of money to the electricity company kid. And also you have been robbing the cable from the neighbors we know it all. You are trapped.

The cops take Mustafa and Chuto to the headquarters of the police. The cops also save Kim too and after seven weeks in the hospital. When her mouth isnt broken anymore she doesn’t present charges against her attackers because; “They are just kids and everyone can commit a mistake”.



Anonymous said...

JAJAJAJAJA recuerdo haberlo leído en español... Viejos recuerdos...

Anonymous said...

claro que no estaba completo era más bien como un bosquejo... de cuando la Kim era mi vecina...

Anonymous said...

uy uy uy la kim era mi vecina y era el dios de los ratones!!!

emaixo said...

Venga tio, que historia... la verdad, suele pasar, no conosco casos tan extremos, pero si de niños que ya no son niños y delinquen...!